We’re in the heat of allergy season – which means sneezing, congestion, a runny nose, and other pesky symptoms. Seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever, can make day to day life more difficult. Here are five ways to find immediate relief from seasonal allergy symptoms. 

Shut the Windows

If you suffer from allergies during allergy season, it’s smart to leave the windows in your home shut, especially during the morning, when plants typically release pollen. While fresh air in the summer heat can feel good, it’s best to rely on air conditioning if you have it, rather than risk letting in allergens which could trigger or worsen your allergy symptoms. 

Take a Shower

Taking a hot shower, especially after being outside, can wash away any allergens you may have picked up throughout the day that could be attached to your clothes, skin, or hair. The steam from a hot shower can also loosen mucus and phlegm that may be contributing to your allergy symptoms. 

Use Eye Drops

One of the most prevalent seasonal allergy symptoms is itching or burning eyes. Eye drops can offer instant relief. Some are sold over the counter, and some require a prescription. Research or speak with your doctor about which one is right for you, but be wary of eye drops that contain antihistamines, which can cause some negative side effects.

Saline Nasal Irrigation

It can be helpful to run homemade salt water or a pre-made nasal solution through the nasal passages. This physically rinses out the allergens from the sinuses, reducing the load on the system.

Run an Austin Air Purifier

While the steps previously mentioned can provide temporary relief from allergy symptoms, one of the best ways to get rid of symptoms is to clean the air itself of allergens. 

Austin Air purifiers use medical-grade HEPA and activated, with a unique design that increases airflow to effectively purify the air of 99% of all airborne contaminants as small as 0.1 microns. 

Designed specifically for people with allergies, the Austin Air cleaners offer fast, effective relief without any negative side-effects.