According to some, the most helpful parameter for understanding the effectiveness of portable air cleaners is the clean air delivery rate (CADR), which is a measure of a portable air cleaner’s delivery of relatively clean air, expressed in cubic feet per minute (cfm). 

The CADR is determined by multiplying the air cleaner’s airflow rate by its efficiency in removing a specific pollutant. In general, a higher CADR relative to the size of the room should (theoretically) increase the effectiveness of a portable air cleaner.

However, the truth is that folks need to start looking beyond the old rating system and more closely at air filtration technology because the CADR has many shortcomings.

Infographic explaining issues 1-5 of: “NINE PROBLEMS WITH CADR TESTING” over a grayish background. The words: “CADR PROBLEM” are in a separate text box which is gray or blue. The text for each point is on the right in black text. CADR PROBLEM #1: Unrealistic Testing Conditions, CADR PROBLEM #2: Limited Pollutant Scope, CADR PROBLEM #3: Particle Size Variability, CADR PROBLEM #4: Room Size and Placement Assumptions, CADR PROBLEM #5: Short Testing Period.

CADR PROBLEM 1: Unrealistic Testing Conditions 

First and foremost, CADR is determined in laboratory settings with controlled conditions, which don’t accurately reflect real-world performance in homes or workplaces. For instance, it doesn’t account for continuous pollutant sources like cooking, smoking, or outdoor pollution.


CADR PROBLEM 2: Limited to Small Group of Pollutants 

Current test standards only rate CADRs for the removal of some particles. CADR ratings are based on the removal of particles such as tobacco smoke, dust, and pollen, but they do not account for other common pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), bacteria, or viruses. 


CADR PROBLEM 3. Variability in Particle Size 

CADR ratings are based on the removal of particles of a certain size range, but air purifiers may not be equally effective at removing particles of different sizes. 


CADR PROBLEM 4: Room Size and Placement Assumptions 

CADR assumes optimal placement and a specific room size, which may not match actual usage conditions. In reality, room layout, furniture, and placement can significantly affect performance.


CADR PROBLEM 5: Short Testing Period 

CADR ratings are based on short-term testing, with tests only lasting 15-20 minutes. This short time frame doesn’t reflect the long-term performance of the air cleaner. A device might perform well initially but lose effectiveness over time. Another fact is that the lack of long-term performance data goes against scientific best practices.

Infographic explaining issues 6-9 of: “NINE PROBLEMS WITH CADR TESTING” over a grayish background. The words: “CADR PROBLEM” are in a separate text box which is gray or blue. The text for each point is on the right in black text. CADR PROBLEM #6: Ozone Emissions Ignored, CADR PROBLEM #7: Non-Compliance with California Emission Limits, CADR PROBLEM #8: "Pay-to-Play" Certification, and CADR PROBLEM #9: Neglects Filter Life and Quality.

CADR PROBLEM 6: It Does Not Consider Ozone Emissions

Some air cleaners use technologies like ionization, ozone generation, or ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), which emit harmful byproducts including ozone. CADR does not account for the potential health risks from these emissions. It’s baffling that a product meant to clean the air could cause indoor air pollution and even more absurd that a test for clean air delivery doesn’t automatically fail ozone generators but that’s the truth.


CADR PROBLEM 7: California Air Resource Board Limits

California is the only state with an ozone emissions law that states air cleaners must meet an ozone emissions threshold at the time of production. However, over time (and sometimes as short as one month after production) these ozone machines exceed the CARB limits for ozone emissions. This is a problem because, according to the EPA, no amount of ozone is safe for humans.


CADR PROBLEM 8: Requires Payment a.k.a. “Pay-to-Play” 

The CADR was created by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) which requires paid membership to receive a CADR certification, which is pricey. In other words, it is a known “pay-to-play” organization.


CADR PROBLEM 9: Ignoring Filter Life and Quality 

CADR doesn’t consider the quality or longevity of filters. Austin Air uses high-quality, medical-grade HEPA and activated carbon filters that last up to five years, ensuring sustained effectiveness at removing a broader range of pollutants, including VOCs, chemicals, and gases

Electronic air filters require regular cleaning to maintain their effectiveness. Over time, the collection plates or ionizing wires may become dirty or coated with pollutants, reducing the filter’s ability to attract and capture airborne particles. Failure to clean the filter regularly can lead to a decrease in performance and more ozone emissions.

Additionally, there are many filters that need to be changed every few weeks or months. CADR rating doesn’t consider issues like the life of the air filter, another way CADR fails to provide the whole picture of an air purifier’s performance.



The Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) simply fails to tell the whole story when it comes to clean air. Austin Air purifiers, equipped with medical-grade HEPA and activated carbon filters, provide superior long-term performance that goes beyond what CADR tests can capture. Let’s explore why Austin Air purifiers excel in providing cleaner air over time, offering benefits that are not fully reflected in CADR metrics.

Infographic for 1-3 of “FIVE MECHANICAL AIR FILTER ADVANTAGES” which is written in blue text at the top of the infographic, over a very light blue background.The list states: AUSTIN AIR ADVANTAGE #1: Consistent Filtration Efficiency – Austin Air HEPA filters capture 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns, ensuring high performance over time without significant loss of efficiency – one of many common sense issues that CADR doesn’t test. AUSTIN AIR ADVANTAGE #2: Large Surface Area – With 60+ square feet of HEPA material, Austin Air filters capture more particles and extend filter life, maintaining optimal performance longer – something the CADR doesn’t factor. AUSTIN AIR ADVANTAGE #3: No Ozone Production – Austin Air purifiers use HEPA and activated carbon filters, which do not produce harmful ozone, ensuring consistent and safe air purification – something CADR ignores, despite the danger to human health.

AUSTIN AIR FILTER ADVANTAGE 1: Consistent Filtration Efficiency

HEPA filters in Austin Air purifiers are designed to capture 99.97% or higher of particles as small as 0.3 microns, providing consistent filtration efficiency. CADR testing measures only look at an air purifier’s initial performance, it doesn’t account for long-term efficiency. Austin Air purifiers maintain high performance over time, effectively capturing airborne pollutants without a significant decline in filtration efficiency, ensuring consistent air quality day after day.



Austin Air purifiers utilize filters with over 60 square feet of HEPA material, offering a substantial surface area for pollutant capture. This larger area enables the purifier to capture a greater volume of particles and maintain its performance over an extended period. CADR testing focuses on short-term airflow and particle removal, but the longevity and sustained efficiency of Austin Air filters provide a more reliable and cost-effective solution, requiring less frequent filter replacements while maintaining optimal efficiency.



Many so-called “air cleaners” produce ozone, a harmful byproduct, during operation, which poses health risks. In contrast, Austin Air purifiers use only HEPA and activated carbon filters, which do not generate ozone. This ensures that the purifier operates safely and consistently, an important factor that CADR testing does not account for.

Infographic for 4 and 5 of “FIVE MECHANICAL AIR FILTER ADVANTAGES” which is written in blue text at the top of the infographic, over a very light blue background.The list states: AUSTIN AIR ADVANTAGE #4: Effective on a Wide Range of Pollutants – Austin Air HEPA filters effectively capture dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and other allergens, maintaining high performance across different pollutants – more than CADR tests for. AUSTIN AIR ADVANTAGE #5: Minimal Airflow Restrictions – Designed for high efficiency without compromising airflow, Austin Air filters clean the air effectively while maintaining strong performance – one more thing CADR doesn’t examine.

AUSTIN AIR FILTER ADVANTAGE 4: Effective on a Wide Range of Pollutants

Austin Air’s HEPA filters are versatile and efficient at capturing a broad spectrum of airborne pollutants, including dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and other allergens. This versatility allows the air purifier to maintain a high performance for various types of pollutants in the air. CADR tests focus on three types of particles—smoke, pollen, and dust—while Austin Air purifiers effectively handle a wider variety of pollutants, maintaining high performance across different conditions and pollutant types.


AUSTIN AIR FILTER ADVANTAGE 5: Minimal Airflow Restrictions

Designed to provide high filtration efficiency while maintaining adequate airflow, Austin Air HEPA filters minimize resistance, allowing the air purifier to clean the air effectively without compromising overall performance. Austin Air purifiers achieve a balance between high filtration and optimal airflow, delivering consistent results over time.


CADR doesn’t encompass the full scope of an air purifier’s effectiveness. Austin Air purifiers deliver lasting performance through consistent filtration efficiency, a large filter surface area, ozone-free operation, versatile pollutant capture, and minimal airflow restrictions. These advantages make Austin Air the superior choice for those who prioritize clean, healthy air in their homes and workplaces, ensuring peace of mind.


Better than CADR, Austin Air Is Clinically Proven

We do not ascribe to the inaccurate CADR rating system. Instead, Austin Air has outperformed more than 100 other air purifiers in government tests. The medical-grade HEPA used in all Austin Air filters has been independently certified to remove 99.97% of particles. Product tests on flow and vapor, gas, and sub-micron particle removal have been performed by Battelle Laboratories, one of the world’s most respected testing laboratories for the Army Corp of Engineers at the U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center.

Because of this, FEMA and the American Red Cross chose Austin Air during some of America’s most challenging times, including 9-11, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, and the 2015 SoCal gas leak in California, to name just a few.

Austin Air purifiers have also been clinically-proven.

For more than 30 years, Austin Air Systems has been the leading manufacturer of mechanical air purifiers using more combined filter material than anyone else in the industry. With 60 sq. ft. of true, medical-grade HEPA and up to 15 lbs. of activated carbon and zeolite, our filters are designed to last five years before needing to be replaced.  We are sold in more than 100 countries, we maintain the largest air cleaner manufacturing facility in the world, at 480,000 square feet. And the company is proud to assemble everything in-house in Buffalo, New York.

To us, this speaks more to the quality and efficiency of our products than a paid 15-minute test ever could.