Austin Air Systems released a toolkit that helps student leaders advocate for clean air on their university campuses. Clean air is crucial for college students to function and perform at their best academically, socially, mentally, and physically. 

The toolkit (located at is an educational resource for students in leadership positions on college campuses – or any student who wants to take a more active role in ensuring their health and well-being. It teaches students about: 

  • Who can advocate for clean air
  • How to advocate for clean air
  • The dangers of polluted air at college and universities
  • How air purification can help
  • How to get air purification for campuses with government funding

Austin Air provides many resources for college students, faculty, staff, and parents to ensure everyone on college and university campuses stays safe and healthy, including funding opportunities available to get free air purifiers on campus. 

The toolkit also includes information about Austin Air’s College Partner Program, where colleges and universities can earn a FREE medical-grade air purifier for their campus health clinic. 

The toolkit also contains talking points for how to advocate for clean air to various leadership entities like administration, marketing departments, campus stores, and more.  

The best part: students can earn FREE air purifiers for their dorm or other campus areas of their choice when the college or university partners with Austin Air.

How to Clean the Air on Campus

Austin Air’s HEPA air purifiers are an essential part of maintaining clean air on campus and mitigating the spread of viruses like COVID-19, the flu, and RSV. The medical-grade HEPA in Austin Air purifiers removes up to 99% of all airborne pollutants as small as 0.1 microns. It also eliminates gasses, VOCs, formaldehyde, and chemicals. This broad-spectrum adsorption makes it the ideal choice for colleges and universities.