The Austin Air Purifier for Chemical Gases
Formaldehyde gas is a extreme health risk if it is inhaled and is now is being recognized as a cancer-causing agent by many health organizations.
Formaldehyde dangers can be reduced with the use of air purifiers capable of removing this chemical vapor. The best air purifier on the market is the Austin Air Purifier with the Austin Air HealthMate Plus being the best choice for removing chemical gases including formaldehyde.
Agencies Recognizing Formaldehyde as a Carcinogenic
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lists formaldehyde as a “probable human carcinogen.” The International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, designates formaldehyde as a human carcinogen or cancer-causing agent. The National Institutes of Health (HIH) has concluded that formaldehyde exposure, particularly at higher levels, increases the risk of contain types of rare cancers, including those that affect the upper part of the nose and throat. Considered a naturally occurring Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), formaldehyde as a chemical gas, surrounds us every day, emitted from many household sources.
What is formaldehyde?
Formaldehyde, in airborne form, is a chemical gas referred to as a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC). It is colorless, flammable and has a very unique smell. Formaldehyde occurs naturally, can be emitted from organic-based products or can be the by-product of man-made processes. It is a toxic and dangerous vapor.
Sources of Indoor Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde can come from tobacco, wood or fuel burning. It can also comes from chemical-based businesses, factory processes and laboratories. A significant number of common household products can contain formaldehyde including, paper, paints, plywood resins, glues and adhesives, as well as permanent press fabrics. Kitchen cabinets, furniture and building materials can also contain formaldehyde. You also find this chemical gas emission from products such as dish soups, fabric softeners, cosmetics, and medicines. And with high humidity and high temperatures, this formaldehyde gas releases more rapidly into the air.
Hair salons can be a place where formaldehyde is highly present. Hair treatments, most notably the controversial Brazilian Keratin straightening treatments, are used to straighten hair in humid summers. This product recently has been in the mist of controversy because of the purported high concentration of formaldehyde in the hair treatment solution.
The methanol gas fuel used in cars and trucks, upon combustion, release formaldehyde. The more that alcohol is added to the petroleum fuel, the more formaldehyde gases will be released into the air.
What are the health effects of formaldehyde in indoor air?
Formaldehyde, like many VOCs, can irritate your eyes, nose, and throat at exposures as low 0.4 to 3 parts per million (ppm). If you are chemically sensitive, concentrations as low as 0.037 ppm can affect your body. There can be short-term effects including breathing problems, headache, nausea and runny nose. You can experience respiratory symptoms, allergic reactions and skin irritations from this airborne gas or liquid.
Evidence shows formaldehyde has been known to cause a rare cancer of the nasopharynx, an upper part of the throat behind the nose.
What can be done about formaldehyde?
Inside our homes, formaldehyde surrounds us. We can reduce indoor contamination by bringing only products that don’t contain formaldehyde into our homes. Choose products explicitly stating that they are formaldehyde-free, labeled with U.L.E.F meaning no formaldehyde added or N.A.F, which means ultra-low emitting formaldehyde.
Dangers of airborne formaldehyde gas may still exist even after using only formaldehyde-free products. Materials that are part of home construction, furnishing and other sources may still produce formaldehyde. Until formaldehyde is completely removed, consider eliminating airborne contamination and reducing health risks using air purifiers that filter formaldehyde gas. The finest air purifiers in the industry are the Austin Air Purifier, specifically the Austin Air HealthMate Plus, designed to remove the harshest of chemical gases including formaldehyde. Air quality will be improved and carcinogenic health risks will be reduced.