Austin Air Systems. Clinically Proven Air Purifiers.

The Bedroom Machine™

[wptab name='Health Benefits'] Sounder Sleep Reduced Snoring Stop Sneezing Reduce nighttime allergies & asthma attacks Strengthen your immune system Reduced coughing and wheezing Eliminate dry mouth and runny nose Who should consider The  Bedroom Machine by Austin Air? Those
Austin Air Systems. Clinically Proven Air Purifiers.


[wptab name='Health Benefits'] Sounder Sleep Reduced Snoring Stop Sneezing Reduce nighttime allergies & asthma attacks Strengthen your immune system Reduced coughing and wheezing Eliminate dry mouth and runny nose Who should

Indoor Air Quality Explained

When we think of air pollution, we often envision dirty vehicle emissions poisoning the air we breathe or power plants and the bellowing of toxic fumes out of their towering smokestacks. Sure, outdoor air pollution causes serious health risks to our society, but if you believe outdoor air pollution is the biggest air quality risk to human health, we need to have a talk about the air inside your home, office, gym, and other indoor spaces.
A close up of asthma medication - an orange and yellow inhaler over a foil containing medications.

COPD: Post-Diagnosis

As part of our November series helping to promote COPD Awareness Month, this article takes a look at what to do post-diagnosis. So you or someone you love has been diagnosed with