In the earliest stages of our children’s lives they are the most vulnerable to air pollution, particularly contaminates contained in their nursery. These pollutions come from many sources, are dangerous and can easily get your child sick. In some cases, when pollution levels are excessively high and prolonged, there can be long-term negative health impacts. Nurseries need to be a sanitary for your child. Infants need protection not only from the harmful outside environmental elements, but also from the elements within their room. Ventilate, clean, remove sources and install a HealthMate air purifier.

Where Does Toxic Pollution Live and Hide?

Much of the nursery indoor airborne pollutants originate from sources within the house starting with organic gases, cigarette smoke, ozone, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. They can be traced to fuel-burning stoves, fire places and furnaces. Contaminations you can’t see but can smell are formaldehyde gas from the glues found in pressed wood, cabinets and furniture. There is also chlorine gas from chlorine bleaches, pesticide fumes, disinfectants and insecticides. Pollutants even can be from indoor plants, mold spores and pet dander. Other sources can be from dust in the room, rugs on the floor and the paint on the walls. Finally, there are miniscule dirt particles, lead paint flakes and pesticides residues.

When you are open doors and windows to the outdoors, you can get factory emissions, automotive exhausts and agricultural pollutants. Pollen and insects pollutants can also infiltrate the nursery from the outside.

Pollution Effects on Babies

The lungs of the baby are very delicate and rapidly growing at this age. They breathe fast and deep. When exposed to airborne contamination, particularly particulates smaller than 2.5 microns, the act of breathing will ingest particles that bypass the body’s natural defenses. in severe case this invasion will irritate lungs, retard future growth and adversely affect other body organs. This airborne contamination will weaken the infant’s body immunology system and increase the risk of illnesses and disease. They may develop bronchitis, asthma and other harmful health problems. If pollution exposures are at low levels, your child can experience sneezing, runny nose, coughing and congestion.

Babies always put things in their mouths. At an early age, when they first get teeth, babies like to bite or munch on anything to relieve the itching. Any airborne particulates landing on nursery objects become toxins that can be ingested.

Nursery Air Purification Action Plan

The nursery should be thoroughly cleaned periodically. Rugs vacuumed, dry steam cleaned and if necessary, completely removed. Dust with a wet rag frequently. Use non-toxic paints, cleaning agents and purchase furnishings that do not emit noxious gases. Disinfect, keep temperatures in the room comfortable, but not too high, and keep humidity below 50%. Finally, use air filtration to insure constant clean air quality, like the HealthMate air purifier. It has medical grade High Efficiency Particulate Arresting (HEPA) air filtration which removes the minuscule particles out of the air.


Sleeping BabyThere are many contaminates around our infants. They come from the outside and from within the house itself. We can’t control the outside environments but we can the nursery. Clean often, use safe cleaning agents and paints. Remove sources like rugs where pet dander and other contaminates can build. Use the Austin Air HealthMate, designed with HEPA air purifier that is customized to remove the plethora of airborne contamination and insure fresh clean air in the nursery.