According to the experts, asthma rates for children reach their peak 17 days after Labor Day.

A number of factors are at play. Children are exposed to new viruses when they return to school, which can aggravate asthma symptoms. Ragweed, a common fall allergen, can be particularly problematic for asthmatics. And as children switch from playing outside in the summer months, to spending a lot more time indoors, this too can cause asthma symptoms to flare up.

So now is the time to be extra vigilant. Check medications are up to date. Talk to your child’s doctor about creating an asthma Action Plan, to ensure you and your child knows exactly how to avoid asthma triggers and what to do in the event of an attack.

If you are worried about your child’s asthma, you may want to consider investing in an Austin Air purifier. Specifically designed for people with asthma and allergies, Austin Air cleaners remove common asthma allergens as well as chemicals and noxious gases.

Read on for more on what you can do to avoid asthma and allergy flare ups.