Are you still struggling with hay fever this allergy season? Maybe your over the counter treatments are just not cutting it? According to scientists from Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, you may get some relief by incorporating probiotics in foods or supplements into your diet.

They examined data from over 1900 people and found that people who took probiotics in the form of a supplement or food, had improved allergy symptoms.

The team believes that by boosting our levels of good bacteria, like those found in probiotics, we can help to strengthen our immune system and stop it reacting to allergens such as pollen. The research is still in its early stages, as the team needs to determine exactly which strain of bacteria helps and at what dose it becomes effective.

Current allergy treatments involve the use of anti-histamines, decongestants and nasal sprays. In certain cases people can undergo treatment known as ‘Immunotherapy’. This involves receiving a number of shots to slowly expose a person to the allergens that cause their symptoms. Eventually they become de-sensitized to the allergens and symptoms will reduce and in some cases disappear. This is currently the most effective way to treat allergies but it does have its down sides. The treatment takes place over a long period of time, in which patients will experience some allergy symptoms. The treatment also requires many trips to the nurse to receive the injection. So if a more natural, less aggressive treatment is found to be effective, we may be looking at a future where allergies are treated in a totally different way, by boosting our immune systems to stop attacks from happening.


Read on for more on the benefits of probiotics here…

For optimum allergy relief this season, you may want to consider investing in an air purifier made by Austin Air. Designed from the inside out, our line of air cleaners offer people with allergies maximum protection from airborne allergens.