Dr Rapp

Recently we have carried out work together with Dr. Doris Rapp, an internationally renowned expert in child allergies. Dr Rapp is a New York Times bestselling author who has appeared on a variety of TV shows, including Oprah, Larry King and Donahue. Her work has taken her all over the world, where she has lectured on the benefits of clean air. Her research shows how many conditions such as learning difficulties, depression and arthritis are triggered by pollutants in our environment. Years ahead of her time she explains how allergies to dust, mold, pollen and chemicals can cause damage to many parts of the body, including the brain.

It was this relationship with Dr Rapp that helped us to understand more about the chemicals in our environment and how they pose a real threat to people with chemical sensitivities. We took what we learned from Dr Rapp and made a decision to enhance our 4 stage filtration system. The result is the Austin Air Healthmate+™. Designed to give maximum protection against dangerous chemicals and gases, it is the most comprehensive air cleaning solution available